Ahlsell was bought-out from the stock exchange by Boliden AB in 1986 and about the same time Boliden was in turn taken over by Trelleborg AB. At this time, Ahlsell's business was highly diversified and included, among other things, wholesale, electronic manufacturing and contracting activities.


Business Leader Industry at Ahlsell Sverige AB Ahlsells HR-team är en av finalisterna i omröstningen till Sveriges HR-medarbetare and handling the stock.

2020. Report. Presentation. Webcast. Sustainability Report. 2019.

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Sista handelsdag i aktien blir onsdagen den 6 mars 2019. För ytterligare information kontakta: Karin Larsson, Chef för IR och extern kommunikation. 08 685 59 24, karin.larsson@ahlsell.se. Ahlsell Sverige AB 117 98 Stockholm Besöksadress: Årstaängsvägen 11, 117 43 Stockholm (Marievik) Tel: 08-685 70 00. OBS! Det finns ingen butik i Liljeholmen.

Ahlsell AB (publ) Stock Forecast: up to 59.343 SEK! - AHSL Sweden: gross profit of Ahlsell AB, by country 2018 | Statista  Aug 7, 2020 credit facility (RCF) in a default, leading to a 'B+' senior secured debt rating, IFCO's FFO gross leverage is substantially lower than Ahlsell's  Ahlsell Stockholm Län (183 Sökträffar) - Företag Svensk Flagga Stock Flagga i  2 apr 2021 Enligt beslut av Nasdaq Stockholm kommer Ahlsell AB att avnoteras. Stocks in Play – Ahlsell och Radisson rusar efter; De lägger bud på  (183 Sökträffar) - Företag Svensk Flagga Stock Flagga i Teknisk analys Ahlsell AB (). img.

Ahlsell AB (publ) ansöker om avnotering och kallar till extra bolagsstämma Meddelande till innehavarna av obligationer emitterade av Ahlsell inom ramen för MTN-programmet Uttalande från styrelsen för Ahlsell med anledning av Quimpers offentliga kontanterbjudande

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Ahlsell has acquired 21 companies and its latest acquisition was Eurolan AB in Feb Ahlsell AB (publ) has requested delisting of the company's shares from 

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Add to watchlist Start Trading >> Plus500. 76.4% of retail CFD accounts lose money. News More A high-level overview of Ahlsell AB (AHLLF) stock. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools. AHLSELL AB (PUBL) : Veröffentlichung des Jahresergebnisses: 2019: AHLSELL AB (PUBL) : publication des résultats annuels: 2018: AHLSELL AB (PUBL) : CVC Capital Partners lance une OPA sur la société suédoise .. 2018: AHLSELL PUBL : CVC veut racheter le suédois Ahlsell avec une offre d'2,3 millia.. 2018 ORD Ahlsell AB (publ) is a Sweden-based company, which is primarily engaged in the construction materials industry.
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Ahlsell AB Registered Shs Stock 55.01 SEK-0.03 -0.05% 11:48:00 AM EDT 3/6/2019 BATS Europe . Add to watchlist Start Trading >> Plus500. 76.4% of retail CFD accounts lose money. News More A high-level overview of Ahlsell AB (AHLLF) stock. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools.

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