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All Cameras >> Pentax Pentax Cameras with Sample Photos. Model: Marketed: Mega pixels: Photos: Users: Digital Cameras: Pentax K-1 Mark II: 2018 2008-05-22 2005-02-13 · Pentax Optio 50 specifications • Normal: 0.5m (1.64 ft) to infinity • Macro: 0.35m (1.15 ft) to infinity at 96mm (equiv 35mm) • Macro: 0.06m (0.2 ft) to infinity at 32mm (equiv 35mm) Pentax Optio 50. 6 customer reviews. Pentax Optio 50 5MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom. See price on @ dpreview Tweets by @dpreview.
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70 фото; 2010/09/09. Pentax 645D. 50 фото; 2010/03/10. Pentax Optio W90. Каталог моделей Pentax 2021 - на > тысячи предложений, отзывы покупателей, обзоры, Pentax Optio M50 Pentax SMC DA* 50-135mm f/2.8 . Pentax Optio 50l Digital Camera driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to Pentax Optio 50 Ljuskänslighet Auto samt ISO 50, 100, 200. Slutartider Medföljande programvara ACDSee för Pentax + USB drivrutiner för Win98 Jämför priser på Ricoh-Pentax Optio 50 Kompaktkameror. Varumärke, Ricoh-Pentax. Page 1 Tuesday, August 10, 2004 2:50 PM. next Optio NB1000, Optio P70, Optio E70, Optio W80, Optio V10. Optio M50, Optio M60, Optio E60, Optio W60, Optio S10. Optio A40, Optio M40, Optio E50, Optio Optio 30 Optio 33L Optio 33LF Optio 33WR Optio 43WR Optio 50 Optio 50L Optio 60 Optio 230 Optio 330 Optio 330GS Optio 330RS Optio 430 Optio 430RS Recsea WHR-WG50/P Underwater Housing with 67mm adaptor for RICOH WG- 50, WG-40, WG-30 and PENTAX Optio WG-2 Cameras.
Im Test: »Befriedigend« urteilen »Konsument« & Co ✓ Was ist bei der Optio 50 von Pentax gut und was nicht? Jetzt Testfazits lesen ➤ bei!
Optio M50 kan automatiskt justera ljuskänskligheten ända upp till ISO 3200 i motivprogrammet "skärpeförbättring"(Digital SR) och på detta sätt undvika oskärpa genom att välja kort slutartid. Välj mellan flera motivanpassade bildprogram, bla porträtt med ansiktssökande autofokus och automatik, tre olika autofokuseringslägen (bl.a. följsam autofokus), videoinspelning 640x480 pixlar. Pentax Optio W60 Waterproof 10MP Digital Camera with 5x Wide Angle Optical Zoom (Ocean Blue) 3.8 out of 5 stars 154 Optio WG-2 (Black, 16MP, Waterproof, Shockproof, 5x, FHD) Get the best deal for PENTAX Optio 50 Digital Cameras from the largest online selection at pentax optio accessories. Accessory USA USB Data Sync Cable Cord Lead for Pentax Optio K 100 D K100D K 10 D K10D K-200 D KP K-30 K-50 Q S1 Camera.
Free shipping on many items. Pentax Optio 50 - digital camera overview and full product specs on CNET. Pentax has today announced the third addition to the S range in five months with the 5 megapixel Optio S50. Aimed at newcomers to digital photography, it has a nine-option control dial plus a help mode that displays explanations of the control buttons. It has a 1.8-inch LCD screen - which is larger than the S40 (1.6-inch) - but retains the same compact dimensions.
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Obviously the documentation does not tell me if this device support SDHC flash card, because, of course, in 2006 we had only SD card and no SDHC.
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Зарядное устройство для Pentax Optio M50. Для Optio M50. Pentax. 290 грн. Зарядное устройство для Pentax Optio M50 (K-BC78U для Pentax D-LI78).
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Hi, I own a Pentax (Richo) Optio 50. This is a rather old photo device from year 2006. the documentation says that this device supports SD card up to 512 MBytes. Obviously the documentation does not tell me if this device support SDHC flash card, because, of course, in 2006 we had only SD card and no SDHC. I have 2 questions.
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The Optio 450 sports a 5x, 7.8-39mm SMC Pentax lens, the equivalent of a 37.5-187.5mm lens on a 35mm camera. (The "SMC" in the lens name stands for Super Multi Coating, Pentax' name for their
This is almost a replica of one already owned by me. Unfortunately the screen LED light failed on mine, so I replaced it with this one as I am used to it and cannot get on with the newer - too small to use ones. 2008-07-16 However, in keeping with the Pentax tradition, ease of use is simply not enough. By combining the power and clarity of a 3X optical zoom lens with the sheer detail and high-level resolution of 5.0 effective megapixels, the Optio 50 is as sharp at shooting as it is easy to use. Box Contains. Optio 50 camera; Software (CD-ROM) 2xAA Battery; Strap 2008-03-15 Pentax Optio 50 introduction : Pentax introduces the new Pentax Optio 50, a compact, lightweight digital camera that makes digital photography easy for virtually anyone. Incorporating a handy "Simple" mode, it allows the user to quickly choose an icon that matches the subject at hand and have the camera select all the optimal settings automatically for the best possible results.
Pixel pitch is 1.41 µm. Digital Camera Pentax Optio 50, 5.0 mil. bodů, 3x opt./ 4x dig.