Baby Primula or Primula kisoana plant is a perennial plant that introduced from Japan to Sri Lanka as a ornamental plant. It is Native to Japan, and The Himalayas. The plant can be grow as a indoor or outdoor plant in a container but It is hardy to grow outdoors in Sri Lanka.


I'll be digging up a large patch of of Primula kisoana if anyone wants some. The alba (white) and pinks are all mixed up, so I can't guarantee color. Just to let you know, this stuff SPREADS quickly but is a nice primula. It might be spreading so much because I have it in boggy soil, not sure how i

JAPANESE PRIMROSE. Deer Resistant Rabbit Resistant. Pot Size: 3-1/2"; Height  Apr 14, 2012 Primula, sieboldii, 'White Dove', “round 4”, 2. Primula, japonica, red flowers, “4”, HPSW seed, 4. Primula, kisoana, “4”, 2.

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The alba (white) and pinks are all mixed up, so I can't guarantee color. Just to let you know, this stuff SPREADS quickly but is a nice primula. It might be spreading so much because I have it in boggy soil, not sure how i NEW PRIMULA KISOANA MIQUEL SPECIMENS FOR LEIDEN I departed for the Netherlands, carrying with me specimens of the kakko-so (Primula kisoana miquel), a flowering plant whose sole habitat on this earth is on Narukami Mountain (elev. : 979.9 m) which rises to the north of the city of Kiryu. I just wanted to let everyone know (well, the few people who read this) that I’ll be vending plants and knitwear at the Tower Hill Fall Sale this coming saturday. It will be a great opportunity to pick up some rare and unusual treasures for your gardens from specialty growers like Garden Vision Epimediums, horticultural societies such as the New England Primula Society, a chapter of the Primula kisoana 'Noushoku' Out of Stock. Primula kisoana 'Noushoku' 12.00.

Click on the THUMBNAILS to see larger photos of the plants. Scientific Name: Primula L. (Primulaceae) kisoana Miq. Related Plants 'Alba' 'Iyo-kurenai' 'Iyobeni' 'Noshoku' 'Velvet' shikokiana alba.

Dark pink flower selection from above. The texture of flowers seems as 'Velvet' with deep color. Spreads rapidly in loose, woodsy soil. Primula kisoana var.

The alba (white) and pinks are all mixed up, so I can't guarantee color. Just to let you know, this stuff SPREADS quickly but is a nice primula. It might be spreading so much because I have it in boggy soil, not sure how i Noteworthy Characteristics. Primula kisoana, commonly called hardy primrose, is an herbaceous perennial that is primarily grown for its deep rose to rose mauve flowers which bloom in spring above a mat of thick, wrinkled, orbicular-cordate, basal leaves.Both the foliage and the flowering stems have prominent downy white hairs.

Primula kisoana for sale

PRIMULA VULGARIS (PRIMROSE) SEEDS (PRIMROSE) - Plant World Seeds. The true "Devon Primrose" collected from a bank on our nursery. Sheets of delicately perfumed, pale lemon yellow blossoms appear in sheets of colour in earliest spring (sometimes at Christmas in Devon!).

Primula kisoana for sale

Single deep pink primrose florets profusely set in a rounded array erupt in late spring atop stems to 6 inches tall. The foliage of Primula kisoana is unusual; large, scalloped and hirsute leaves are further textured with corrugations, the aggregate like the tributaries of a river basin as seen from space. (Yeah, yeah - I'm heinous, horrible, hyperbolic yet Primula kisoana var. alba A white flowered version of the normally pink Japanese which we never have enough of as it sells immediately.

Primula kisoana for sale

The plant can be grow as a indoor or outdoor plant in a container but It is hardy to grow outdoors in Sri Lanka. Primula kisoana [1] är en viveväxtart som beskrevs av Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel.
Avanza heba

Primula kisoana for sale

Price per plant or Primula kisoana is so rare that it does not appear to have a common name, but that doesn’t mean it is hard to grow. It spreads by underground runners to form patches of velvety, unusually shaped leaves topped by many bright pink flowers in April and May. PRIMULA KISOANA SEEDS - Plant World Seeds. Spreading by underground runners, this delicate plant makes thick colonies of velvety leaves with intense pink flowers in spring and early summer. It makes a perfect choice for a woodland garden with some shade where it will thrive. Primula kisoana 'Barnhaven Blush' This is a cross between P.kisoana 'Alba' and the red variety 'Iyobeni'.

Primula florindae collection.
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Primula kisoana 'Noushoku' - Vibrant dark pink flowers are the calling card for this rendition of the Japanese Primrose, a much deeper pink than the normal species. It is otherwise like the straight species.

Some plants when you say colonizer it rightly sounds an alarm much like a submarine klaxon Another absolute treasure from Heronswood the REAL Heronswood Nursery. This woodland species from Japan is very late flowering often in bloom here at the nursery in June Flowers are an almost glowing shade of lavender-rose the color of a great sunrise on 6 stems. The individual blooms are large for the genus.

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Primula kisoana var. alba A white flowered version of the normally pink Japanese which we never have enough of as it sells immediately. One of our customers tells us how it well does under the trees in dry shade and we grow it in the dry end of our shade garden.

This is a colonizing type of primrose and will spread happily in moist to wet soils Primula kisoana is so rare that it does not appear to have a common name, The rest will be for sale as they come up because I grow most of them myself. Readers who are not local now know which reliably perennial primroses to ask for at their local nursery.

Candelabra types (i.e. Primula capita and Primula japonica) show off their flowers in tiered clusters of 6-8 blooms on 1-2 ½ ‘ stems. They are often short lived, prefer damp soil and reseed. Polyanthus types (i.e. Primula vulgaris and Primula veris) bear bunches of flowers on 6-8” stems and bloom winter and/or early spring. This group

Vigorous, Primula kisoana var. alba (Hardy Primrose) is an herbaceous perennial boasting umbels of 2-6 pure white flowers, up to 3 in. across (7 cm), in mid to late spring. Borne atop stout, leafless stems, they rise above a foliage mat of thick, wrinkled, light green leaves.

All … Primula kisoana 'Iyobeni' (Hardy primrose 'Iyobeni') will reach a height of 0.2m and a spread of 0.35m after 2-5 years. Suggested uses. Beds and borders, City, Containers, Cottage/Informal, Garden edging, Underplanting. Cultivation. Plant in fertile, humus-rich, neutral to acid, moist but well-drained soil in … I'll be digging up a large patch of of Primula kisoana if anyone wants some. The alba (white) and pinks are all mixed up, so I can't guarantee color.