The World's Most Popular Open Source Database. Fujitsu Labs of America Technology Symposium 2007. Mårten Mickos, CEO, MySQL AB. Monetary and Social
Status. Acquired by Sun Microsystems (JAVA), which was then acquired by Oracle (ORCL) 2020-04-13 2010-03-19 2009-04-20 2010-01-28 2020-05-11 2009-03-25 Marten Mickos joined MySQL AB as CEO in 2001. Under his leadership, the company has grown from a startup to the second largest open source company and the fastest-growing database vendor in the world. Prior to MySQL, Mickos held multi-national CEO and senior executive positions in his native Finland. He holds a masters of science […] Marten Mickos, CEO, MySQL Indeed, there are some on-demand firms such as RightNow and Workday that use MySQL to underpin their offerings, although market leader relies on traditional relational technology from Oracle – however, Mickos argues that CEO Marc Benioff has admitted that if the firm had started up a few years later than it did then he would have looked at using open Marten Mickos, MySQL CEO So the announcement happened a month ago, the product was immediately available, but in typical open source fashion we add new functionality all the time.
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Mårten Mickos är en av den nordiska startupscenens verkliga tungviktare. Han var vd på svenska MySQL som såldes till Sun Microsystems för en miljard dollar. Nu vill han hjälpa en ny generation entreprenörer att bli bättre på ledarskap – helt gratis. 2007-05-31 · Marten Mickos, MySQL chief executive, told The Register the secret to growth in Microsoft's core Windows franchise lies in working with open source. According to Mickos: "If you won't work with MySQL, PHP and Ruby then you are lost - that's always been our message." 2008-01-22 · Last week we reported that Sun Microsystems will acquire MySQL – the open-source database system that fuels a lot of sites – for 1 billion dollars. CEO of Sun Jonathan Schwartz wrote an Mårten Mickos is a rare European founder.
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During this keynote, Marten Mickos predicts that in several years there will be a trillion devices connected to the Internet. We are rapidly reaching a point that the
Facebook. Svenska MySQL såldes till Sun Microsystems i början av året för drygt 6 miljarder kronor. Nu ska verksamheten integreras och vd Mårten Mickos är lika lugn som mårten mickos hackerone.
Sep 30, 2009 "Marten Mickos builds global disruptive businesses. As CEO of MySQL AB for seven years, Mickos grew that company from a garage start-up to
Prior to MySQL, Mickos held multi-national CEO and senior executive positions in his native Finland. He holds a masters of science […] Marten Mickos, who was MySQL AB's CEO and has been heading the database unit at Sun Microsystems Inc. since it bought MySQL last year, is leaving Sun, a company spokeswoman confirmed on Friday. Mårten Mickos is the CEO of HackerOne, a San Francisco-based venture that is hired by other companies to deploy squadrons of hackers to uncover vulnerabilities in their technologies. A native of Mårten Mickos, född 6 november 1962 i Esbo, Finland, är en finlandssvensk företagsledare, styrelseproffs och kolumnist. Mickos är mest känd som MySQL ABs VD från 2001 till 2008 då företaget såldes för en miljard dollar.
Under his leadership, the company has grown from a startup to the second largest open source company and the fastest-growing database vendor in the world. Prior to MySQL, Mickos held multi-national CEO and senior executive positions in his native Finland. He holds a masters of science […]
Marten Mickos, who was MySQL AB's CEO and has been heading the database unit at Sun Microsystems Inc. since it bought MySQL last year, is leaving Sun, a company spokeswoman confirmed on Friday.
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Jun 19, 2007 The third installment in the Open Source CEO Series, this time with Marten Mickos, CEO of MySQL.
Redaktionell bild på Marten G Mickos in Helsinki, Finland - 20 Apr 2010
Mjukvaruföretaget MySQL har fått många pris och anses vara ett av de hetaste bolagen i branschen. VD Mårten Mickos ser framtiden an med
Ser himlen ser de flesta moln, solen, månen. MySQL CEO Marten Mickos ser en jättedatabas. MÅRTEN MICKOS - "The Hacker Database" Mårten Mårten har också varit VD för MySQL, värdens största databasmjukvara som såldes för 1 miljard.
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Henkilökuva: Mårten Mickos Piilaaksosta: "Älä huoli, ole vain surkea" Tässä hän on – ulkomailla menestynyt suomalaisjohtaja. Syyskuussa 2014 Mårten Mickos valittiin tietotekniikkajätti Hewlett-Packardin liiketoimintajohtajaksi ja talouslehdissä hänestä oltiin leipomassa Microsoftin toimitusjohtajaa Steve Ballmerin jälkeen.
2008-01-22 Mårten Mickos is one of the most respected members of the open source world. The former CEO of MySQL AB during its prime now serves as the CEO of HackerOne, a vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform. I sat down with Mickos to understand HackerOne's purpose and his perspective on the security of open source software.
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Entreprenören Mårten Mickos började i fjol ett nytt liv som chef för ett När Mickos kom till MySQL fanns där 12 anställda, Eucalyptus hade 15
Mickos är mest känd som MySQL ABs VD från 2001 till 2008 då företaget såldes för en miljard dollar. [1] Mickos har sedan 2015 fungerat som VD för företaget HackerOne i San Francisco.
Henkilökuva: Mårten Mickos Piilaaksosta: "Älä huoli, ole vain surkea" Tässä hän on – ulkomailla menestynyt suomalaisjohtaja. Syyskuussa 2014 Mårten Mickos valittiin tietotekniikkajätti Hewlett-Packardin liiketoimintajohtajaksi ja talouslehdissä hänestä oltiin leipomassa Microsoftin toimitusjohtajaa Steve Ballmerin jälkeen.
Nu vill han hjälpa en ny generation entreprenörer att bli bättre på ledarskap – helt gratis. Mårten Mickos är en av den nordiska startupscenens verkliga tungviktare. Han var vd på svenska MySQL som såldes till Sun Microsystems för en miljard dollar. Nu vill han hjälpa en ny generation entreprenörer att bli bättre på ledarskap – helt gratis. Millions of pixels have been used to talk about Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer's decision to ban telecommuting and her reasons for doing it.Today's interviewee, Mårten Mickos, built MySQL AB into a billion-dollar company with 70% of its workers, all over the world, telecommuting instead of working in offices.
2010-03-19 Marten Mickos: Contrarian interview Marten Mickos talks about his joining the founders of MySQL in the early days, reciprocity, and what makes MySQL unique Marten Mickos, Eucalyptus Systems, MySQL AB Inexperience as an Asset. Eucalyptus Systems CEO Mårten Mickos loves the expression, "He was a great executive. All he lacked was inexperience." Mickos explains how inexperience can be a tremendous asset to an entrepreneur, 2009-09-29 Mårten Mickos is a rare European founder. He has led 3 global software companies, including the Balderton-backed MySQL, and is now opening the London office of HackerOne, a new company which is used by Uber, Twitter and Github to protect their critical systems.